
Senior Portrait Session Seminar

I'm in Portland at the Professional Photographers of Oregon annual Convention. I created these images Sunday while working with a few other photographers during a break in the session. My friend Hue brought along a few of her friends and clients to share with us while we explored the grounds of an abandoned hotel on the banks of the Columbia River. I will be back in the studio Monday.
photography by: Portland Oregon senior portrait photographer Studio Coburg

Courtney had some really intense light-brown eyes that really popped in the great soft light that we created.
Deana has very soft, radiant, porcelain skin that just glowed. I am excited to take a little time to go through a few more of her images.
Steven is an enthusiastic musician that has a great angular jaw and some crazy wild hair. He is holding his guitar over his shoulders so that I could use his strap to create an interesting frame to bring the attention back to his intense expression.


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