
New Website Preview

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This is a preview the web designer sent me of the new web site. The site will actually be three distinct sites with a splash page (to navigate to the three sites). There will be a wedding site, a portrait site, and a senior portrait site. Each site will have it's own galleries and information pages as well as information request pages. I would love to know what you think!


A Note From a Bride

I just got this e-mail from Jennifer, who got married July 16th.
Photography by: Portland Oregon Wedding Photographer Studio Coburg


We love the pictures!!! They look great. I don’t know how we are going to choose which ones to print. My sister just got engaged and I’m sure she will use you (if you’re available).....Thank you for the beautiful pictures, I just love them. I asked a ton of people to refer their wedding photographer to me, and none of them liked their pictures. I’m so glad I can start referring you to people now. Thanks again.


Josh and Angela at Whisper 'N Oaks

On Saturday Josh and Angela tied the knot in a sunset ceremony at Whisper N' Oaks, a farm outside of Junction City, Oregon. The bride had been a real super-hero all day long. She first fixed brides' maids hair-dos that turned out a little more old-maid than bride's maid, then she snipped off a sharp wire (she's a nurse) that was sticking out of my braces! The ceremony was simple and sweet, with the ring bearer riding an ATV down the aisle. Afterwards, the couple cut a cake provided by Sweet Life Patisserie and danced to music by Desination Event Services. The bride then danced with her father...in bare-feet, standing on his shoes! There was not a dry eye in the crowd.
Photography by: Oregon Wedding Photographer Studio Coburg