Last week we closed the studio and headed to the Redwoods. I took the wife and kids, Trask took a band of no-goods he met along the way. My son, Aaron, is a little dare-devil. He turned 3 in April and took that milestone as an opportunity to learn to ride a two-wheeler with no training wheels. It took about 2 minutes. I swear, the little monkey was born to be on wheels. He rides a razor and a skateboard too.
While at the campground he decided to take the opportunity to ride full-speed down the hill near our campsite. He must have been doing 15 miles and hour! He negotiated a switch-back...but not the big root growing in the pavement.

The next day he got up, sat at the campfire, and proclaimed "I think I can do it now".

A close-up of the road rash on his face. Notice how pleased he is with himself.