
Andrea's Senior Portrait Session

Andrea brought this cool prom dress to ruin for her senior portrait session yesterday. It was pouring down rain, and we all got soaked, but it was worth it for these images. I shot with a slow shutter to show motion while Andrea jumped and played in the warm spring rain. Her boyfriend, James, was kind enough to tag along and give encouragement. I have to include the image below so that people don't think I'm nuts for posting the image above with her head cut off and blurry, off center, too dark, etc. Yes, I shot it that way on purpose.

McKenzie and Trevon Get Married

McKenzie and Trevon tied the knot at the Beckenridge Vineyard in Dallas this weekend. McKenzie had these incredible embroidered shoes...which she exchanged for flip-flops the second that the ceremony was over!photography by: Oregon wedding photographer Studio Coburg