
Kelsey's High School Senior Portrait Session

Kelsey is a high school senior from right here in Coburg. She is a fun, silly girl with incredible bright eyes (I am a big fan of eyes). I shot her sister Jamie's senior portraits two years ago as well.
We found this little ray of light through the trees, which made such a great back light for her. The light off of the pavement reflected back up into her eyes giving them extra sparkle.
Thanks Kelsey!

photographer: Oregon senior portrait photographer Studio Coburg


An E-Mail I Received Today

I had this email waiting in my in-box this morning.

"Hi James,

My name is Alice, and I found your webpage while searching
for photographers in the Eugene area. I am a graduating senior
at the University of Oregon, with parents who would like photos
to send out with my graduation announcements.
I dread this, as I really don't want the high school senior look,
with my arms crossed by a tree... you know what I mean.

Your pictures look different. Any chance you could send me
information on packages?

Look forward to hearing from you,

Thanks for the nice e-mail Alice, I look forward to working with you!