
Catching Up!

Ok, it's clear that I may never get caught up with individual posts. I will try to do justice and at least get the images online.
Rosalie, a soon to be graduate.
Caitlin, another soon to be graduate.Jessica, yet another grad.
photographer: Oregon senior portrait photographer Studio Coburg

Baby Isiah and His Mom and Dad

Jessica and Justin are expecting their first child this fall, and wanted to get a few images of this special time. I wanted to reflect what it feels like to wait for your first child...you're so excited to see their little face for the first time, but a little scared that you may not be ready at the same time.

Eugene Oregon maternity photographer
Studio Coburg


Shawna's Senior Portrait Session

This image of Shawna was created using my new lighting kit. Notice how it illuminates her eyes, and gives her skin a very soft glow. We also did a fun photo of Shawna and her friends Megan Casie together, and since they all had their senior portraits done here, I gave them all a 5x7 print at no additional charge.
Thanks for letting me be your photographer girls!

photography by: Oregon senior portrait photographer Studio Coburg


Alice's Headshot

Alice is a soon to be UofO graduate who needed a few headshots to use with her graduation announcements. I haven't shot many college grads (and most have been more business headshot like), in the past, but I would love it if more would let me photograph them. Alice was hilarious, and since I was mentoring another photographer for a few days, we had even more fun with all of us joking around. Alice, thanks for letting me create these images for you!

photographer: Oregon headshot photographer Studio Coburg